NCAA lauds ex-spokesperson, Adurogboye

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The acting Director-General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Captain Chris Najomo, has commended the former General Manager of Public Relations of the agency, Sam Adurogboye, for his excellent work as an image maker.

Speaking during a sendoff party for Adurogboye, Najomo, who was represented at the occasion by the Lagos Regional Manager, NCAA, Samuel Ngene, said that the former spokesperson played a pivotal role in ensuring positive media coverage for the agency since he joined the organisation at its inception in 2000.

According to the NCAA DG, Adurogboye’s explanations helped to douse tension and helped the DG to right the wrongs almost immediately without the public getting to know that a major crisis had been nipped in the bud through his relationship with the media.

He added that his immense contribution to the growth of the NCAA led to more recognition for a man who was pulled out of service after turning the mandatory 60 years.

Najomo maintained that the footstep left behind by Adurogboye was indelible and challenged other staff members of the agency, especially those in the Public Relations Department, to emulate him.

He said, “This occasion is nostalgic. Not every one that started well got to the finishing line sound and healthy. In the civil service, our career stops as general manager. It takes about four years to move from a deputy general manager to general manager and this is not even guaranteed.

“Thank you for being a voice of the NCAA and a rallying point for the media. The footstep you left is huge and anyone that will fit in will need to work harder. If the NCAA is looking for experts in aviation reporting, then they should look in your direction.”

Besides, colleagues and friends in the aviation industry also paid glowing tributes to Adurogboye.

A member of staff stated that Adurogboye was fond of returning unspent budgets to the coffers of the NCAA, an act, which she said was uncommon in the civil service.

Also, the Assistant General Manager of Public Affairs at NCAA, Mrs Carol Adekotujo, described him as a mentor, teacher, lover of God, and peacemaker.

She emphasised that she was privileged to be tutored by Adurogboye immediately after she joined the service in 2001, stressing that he worked with all the staffers equally, especially those who were ready to learn.

In his response, Adurogboye expressed gratitude to everyone who made his work at NCAA smooth.

He enjoined them to always think of how to add value to the system and contribute to the growth of everyone who comes across them.

Adurogboye also explained that he had no fewer than 10 vouchers of returned unspent budgets in his file, stressing that he left the system without any blemish.

He further recalled how the immediate past Director-General of the agency, Capt. Musa Nuhu, rejected his retirement letter based on his contribution to the system.

He noted, “Let us always think of how we can help the system to grow and think of how we can add value to other people. Within a twinkle of an eye, all of us will be outside. It is the lives you touched and the values that you add to the people that will help you in your days of adversity.”

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